Friday, August 27, 2010

My First Step

Lala's song, it was her song from her 1st album, and her new album is coming out~nice work!!would like to share the this song with you, she dream with action and with her sincere heart!!


黑夜 就算不知道出口是什麼模樣 

我會繼續的前往 掙脫了綑綁 主宰心裡頭的天光 

黑夜 就當不知道失敗會是怎樣的重量 

這小小的舞台 有我大大的夢想 還有你陪伴的目光 

看我不迷失方向 為你而閃爍的模樣 

Happie to hear that friends are going for their dream! It's always not too late to pursue your dream even if you are 25, 30 or 45!!Dream doesn't weighted by age, dream gone when your courage is gone, dream gone when your faith towards your dream is gone!! Your dream doesn't go away when you grow older~ so please, never ever say it's too late to pursue your dream!! It's late only when you stop dreaming and giving up your dream!
Fearless people will go further in their journey~ because they do not afraid of falling down, what's the next step, you have to walk it to know it~ you will never know if you stop moving forward!

Guys, I am walking my 1st step on 10th of September! and i will be 1 step nearer to my ultimate dream!

I din realized that today is Friday already!!
Time flies~

Have a darling Friday!!

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