Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Happie Merdeka!!

Dont hate, people!! As for me, there is no differences among races, all are friends to each other, i hate only those who hurts our friends~:P Open up ur heart, there is no such thing as One Malaysia if there are still three races in our heart~ We are all human being staying together and fight for our life, only with different religious beliefs, cultures, and languages. No one is better than others, if you think you are better than other races, then you are most probably one of the racists~:P 

We aint Chinese from China, aint Indian from India~ We are all Malaysian from Malaysia~ dont let the barrier of different races gets in our way to build a better nation. It's great to be Malaysian with all malay friends and indian friends around us, as i mentioned in my FB status, i dont see any problems among us, at least not in our circle. Stop poisoning the next generation with all those nonsence racism~

Merdeka! It's easy to say it than do it! 
To have a real merdeka spirit, we have to stop being soo narrow-minded!!

One of the most precious chapters in my life~

Have a cheerful Wednesday!!

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