Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Ugly Truth

It's hurt sometimes to know the truth. The ugly truth.
I admit that I am those kind of people who would treat friend better than my family, even my mum said that.

I don't easily make new friends, but once I think we are in the same clique, I would stupidly do anything for that friend. I don't hide my feelings, I don't hide things from friends.

And, I know that, people don't always treat you the same way you treat them. That's the ugly truth, which is really hurtful when you discover it. The reveal of the truth always *mindfucked* me for awhile before I can let it go. 

Well, that's the reality we have to deal with. 
New quote today,


An old photo of mine. I love candid.
This is me, 
I'm not going to change the way I treat friends because of those ugly truth.

Life goes on.

Have a great Tuesday!


  1. I always have the same doubt with you and the ugly truth will always "mindfucked" me for awhile before i let it go too. =)

    Anyway, I am trying so hard to do this too.

    1. 我喜歡自己有一個坏習慣,就是很善忘~i always forget details of some incidents...i might get frustrated at the beginning, but things got blurred out pretty fast...:) hehe~


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