Thursday, October 25, 2012

The way I look at it.

Was back at home for a half-month break, wanted so badly to get away from work and all the hustle bustle. Just spend time with families. 

I've gained so much positive energy for this short break. Though bad things happened, which we couldn't avoid sometimes, but more important is that, I've learned to look at it on the bright side, thanks to my TuaPui sister who taught me this. :) 什么事情发生都是好的。 This is what I repeatedly telling myself when something bad happens. And trust me, I'm happier. 

It depends on how we look at things, they are not troubles, if we don't take them as troubles.
And so,
I keep telling myself,


So here is the photo of the day, 
the photo I love the most for Howin's wedding.
Happie faces made my day!
They are bunch of people who always look things at the bright side.

Life's really good!

Smile more!

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